18th September 2020: Prof. Kwon's Michigan work entitled “Photoresponsive luminescence switching o...
28th June 2020: Yungyeong's review paper entitled “Emerging organic photoredox catalysts for organ...
10th June 2020: Our collaboration work entitled “Reprogrammable ferromagnetic domains for reconfig...
1st March 2020: Our laboratory relocated to Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Seoul...
18th October 2019: Youngmu received "Excellent Poster Presentation Prize" from KCS Fall me...
28th August 2019: Doyon successfully defends her M.S. thesis! Congrats to Doyon.
18th July 2018: Yuna and Youngmu's work on “Organic photocatalyst for ppm-level visible-light-driv...
1st May 2019: Dr. Raju Atla joined the group as a post-doc. Welcome!
1st March 2019: Yungyeong and Yeonjin joined the group as a graduate student. Welcome!
19th Feburary 2019: Sunghoon successfully defends his M.S. thesis! Congrats to Sunghoon.
15th December 2018: Sachin's work on “Highly efficient and stable inverted perovskite solar cell o...
26th November 2018: Sachin's work entitled “Highly efficient and stable inverted perovskite solar ...