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디폴트 이미지

Y. Yu, M. S. Kwon*, J. Jung, Y. Zheng, M. Kim, K. Chung, J. Gierschner, J. H. Youk*, S. Borisov*, J. Kim*

“Room-temperature-phosphorescence-based dissolved oxygen detection by core-shell polymer nanoparticles having metal-free organic phosphors”

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56, 16207-16211 (2017)



디폴트 이미지

K. Chung, D. S. Yang, J. Jung, D. Seo, M. S. Kwon, J. Kim*

“A novel mechanism for chemical sensing based on solvent-fluorophore-substrate interaction: highly selective alcohol and water sensor with large fluorescence signal contrast”

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 28124-28129 (2016)


디폴트 이미지

M. S. Kwon, J. K. Jordahl, A. W. Phillips, K. Chung, S. Lee, J. Gierschner, J. Lahann, J. Kim*

“Multi-luminescent switching of metal-free organic phosphors for luminometric detection of organic solvents”

Chem. Sci. 7, 2359-2363 (2016)



디폴트 이미지

S. Seo, J. Lee, M. S. Kwon, D. Seo, J. Kim*

“Stimuli-responsive matrix-assisted colorimetric water sensors of polydiacetylene nanofibers”

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, 20342-20348 (2015)


디폴트 이미지

M. S. Kwon, Y. Yu, C. Coburn, A. W. Phillips, K. Chung, A. Shanker, J. Jung, G. Kim, K. Pipe, F. R. Forrest, J. H. Youk, J. Gierschner, J. Kim*

“Suppressing molecular motions for enhanced room-temperature phosphorescence of metal-free organic materials”

 Nat. Commun. 6, 8947 (2015)


디폴트 이미지

S. Seo, M. S. Kwon, A. W. Phillips, D. Seo, J. Kim*

“Highly sensitive turn-on biosensors by regulating fluorescent dye assembly on liposome surfaces”

Chem. Commun. 51, 10229-10232 (2015)


디폴트 이미지

K. Chung, M. S. Kwon, B. M. Leung, A. G. Wong-Foy, M. S. Kim, J. Kim, S. Takayama, J. Gierschner, A. J. Matzger, J. Kim*

“Shear-triggered crystallization and light emission of a thermally stable organic supercooled liquid”

ACS Cent. Sci. 1, 94-102 (2015)


디폴트 이미지

K. Chung, Y. Yu, M. S. Kwon, J. Swet, J. Youk, J. Kim*

“Assembly and alignment of conjugated polymers: materials design, processing, and applications”

MRS Commun. 5, 169-189 (2015)


디폴트 이미지

K. Chung, A. McAllister, D. Bilby, B. G. Kim, M. S. Kwon, E. Kioupakis*, J. Kim*

“Designing interchain and intrachain properties of conjugated polymers for latent optical information encoding”

Chem. Sci. 6, 6980-6985 (2015)


디폴트 이미지

D. Lee, J. Jung, D. Bilby, M. S. Kwon, J. Yun, J. Kim*

“A novel optical ozone sensor based on purely organic phosphor”

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, 2993-2997 (2015)


디폴트 이미지

G. Kim, D. Lee, A. Shanker, L. Shao, M. S. Kwon, D. Gidley, J. Kim*, K. Pipe*

“High thermal conductivity in amorphous polymer blends by engineered interchain interactions”

Nat. Mater. 14, 295-300 (2015)



디폴트 이미지

M. S. Kwon, G. Jang, D. Bilby, B. Milán-Medina, J. Gierschner, T. S. Lee, J. Kim*

“Design principles of chemiluminescence (CL) chemidosimeter for self-signaling detection: luminol protective approach”

RSC Adv. 4, 46488-46493 (2014)


디폴트 이미지

M. S. Kwon, D. Lee, S. Seo, J. Jung, J. Kim*

“Tailoring intermolecular interactions for efficient room temperature phosphorescence (RTP) from purely organic materials in amorphous polymer matrices”

 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 11177-11181 (2014)